Tilde Björfors is an artist, artistic director, changemaker, playwright, researcher and innovator who transcends boundaries in art, organizations and society. Inspired by the mentality of the circus her hallmark is to work across borders, do the impossible possible and transform risks to opportunities. Her way of creating existential and unexpected, unique universes and movements has opened new doors for the circus as an artform and has been a great inspiration to other artists and artistic fields. Her work has been performed throughout the world’s leading houses, as well as places that have not previously encountered art. She has an ability to engage a diverse and committed audience and her work rely on no empty seats. Tilde has a beating circus heart and is a pioneer in developing contemporary circus artistically and educationally in Northern Europe since 1995. She has been a professor in contemporary circus, initiated and designed circus schools and educations, interdisciplinary research projects and continually been a voice for playfulness, physical intelligence, art and embodied knowledge. She is the founder of the Swedish company Cirkus Cirkör and her award-winning and visionary leadership have fostered artists and change makers and inspired institutions, companies and art centers around the world. Her work is developed in close cooperation with other artists and researchers, in collaborative processes, to extend the wives of the world. 2023 Tilde left Cirkus Cirkör and is now writing a new chapter. She's been awarded with several prestigious awards for her artistic achievements, as well as for her work for change and visionary entrepreneurship. Among others: The Swedish H.M. The King´s Medal of the 8th dimension with blue ribbon and the Premio Europa per il Teatro Prize New Theatrical Realities.