2023 - The Swedish Academy for Circus Arts, for meritorious contribution 

2023 - KTH´s Great Science and Art Prize 

2020 - Gannevik Award

2018 -  XV Europe Prize Theatrical Realities

2017 -  Swedish Theatre Critic’s Theatre price  

2017 - Expressen’s  Theatre Prize for outstanding theater arts (“A piece of George’s hat”) for her direction of Limits, Borders and Satyagraha.

2017 - The European of the Year Award.  The Swedish Europa movement

2017 - The Swede of the Year, category culture.  Fokus

2016 - Längmanska Kulturfondens Culture Prize 

2012 - The Swedish H.M. The King´s Medal of the 8th dimension with blue ribbon 

2012 - The Publisher Natur & Kultur’s Culture Prize, 

2008 - Anders Walls Prize

2006 - Curt Nicolin Prize

2005 - Reumert Award Best performance

2003 - Ruter Dam Award for innovation and courage

2003 - The Anti Jante of the Year Award.

2000 - The leader of the Future, the chamber of commerce

2000 - Stockholmer of the Year Award. SVD